2012年1月28日 星期六

Chinese Wedding Custom 4 - Using the Chinese Calendar to Select Auspicious Dates

Such a dilemma!

You don't want to consult the temple medium or fortune teller for an auspicious wedding date. But you need to select one quickly to please your parents.

Perhaps you think it is too superstitious to believe a date will have any effect on your wedded bliss.

But your parents are not. They think it is most important that they select an auspicious date to ensure a successful marriage for you. They feel you are ungracious for objecting to their kind intentions.

How about using the chinese calendar to select an auspicious wedding date.

As a compromise, you can use the chinese calendar to select the auspicious dates.

Usually, the chinese calendar contains:

- top, showing the Gregorian month,

- body, showing the Gregorian date,

- middle, showing the chinese date and the day of the week, and

- bottom, showing the fengshui/chinese astrology information.

Basic terminology for chinese wedding events

(Note: To read the chinese characters below properly, make sure your browser's character encoding is set to auto detect for chinese/simplified chinese/traditional chinese characters.)

These are the terminology you need to know for finding the respective auspicious dates,

嫁娶 - for wedding day

结婚纳彩/采 - for the betrothal

安床 - for installing the bridal bed

Auspicious rating:

宜(yi) - good for

忌(Ji) - bad for / to avoid

吉(Ji) - auspicious timing

中(zhong)- neutral timing

凶(xiong)- fierce/ bad timing

Choosing the auspicious date

2 ways to go about it:

a) choose the Gregorian date, then check if it is auspicious, or

b) find all the auspicious chinese dates, then decide on the Gregorian dates within these.

To determine if the date is auspicious, read the sub-sections, titled 宜(yi) which list the favorable activities for the day, and 忌(Ji), activities to be avoided.

Locate the corresponding term for wedding event Wedding day 嫁娶, Betrothal 结婚纳彩/采 or install bridal bed 安床 under 宜 or 忌. If found under 宜, it's a good date for that event, if 忌, don't select that date. The date is neutral for that event if nothing is mentioned.

Important note:

Certain days are not favorable for all joyous events and are listed as "不宜诸吉事" under the 宜 section. For such an unfavorable day, the 忌 section will also list 吉事 meaning to avoid any joyous events.

Check the auspicious timing

Some people also want an auspicious timing for events such as fetching the bride and entering the groom's home. Check the auspicious rating under "今天时辰吉凶". The timings are listed as 吉 auspicious timing, 中 neutral timing and 凶fierce/ bad timing. Choose those that are 吉 or 中 and avoid timing listed as 凶.

The chinese timing are divided into 12 period, each 2 hours long. The chinese day commence at 11 pm the night before. These are the corresponding time:

子(zi) 11pm to 1 am

丑(chou) 1am to 3 am

寅(yin) 3am to 5 am

卯(mao) 5am to 7am

辰(chen) 7am to 9am

巳(si) 9am to 11am

午(wu) 11am to 1pm

未(wei) 1pm to 3pm

申(shen) 3pm to 5pm

酉(you) 5pm to 7pm

戌(xu) 7pm to 9pm

亥(hai) 9pm to 11pm

What about chinese horoscope?

The chinese horoscope that "clashes" on that date is listed with the age under a section titled 每日相煞. Under 生年相冲 the other years of the same horoscope that also "clashes" is listed.


Jina Boo is the editor of http://www.chinese-wedding-guide.com , a website dedicated to preserving chinese wedding customs and culture. The website features: - significance of chinese wedding customs and traditions, - the items and persons needed to perform them, and - suggested timeframe for preparation of chinese wedding.

A guide for drafting your own chinese wedding invitation and addressing the envelopes is also included.

Click here to learn more about selecting an auspicious date with a chinese calendar. [http://www.chinese-wedding-guide.com/chinesecalendar.html]

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