2012年2月7日 星期二

What If You Have the Chinese Horoscope Sign of the Tiger?

Were you born in the year of the tiger? Are you curious what that means for you? If so, this article can help explain the Chinese horoscope tiger to all of you tigers out there!

For thousands of years, the lunar cycle- based zodiac has been used in China. Because it takes the lunar cycle twelve years to complete, there are twelve animal symbols. Your Chinese horoscope is determined by the year you were born instead of the month like in our western zodiac.

Under each sign, the characteristics of occurrences in people and events correspond with the traits of that animal. The myth of how the twelve signs were chosen originated with Buddha. Before he departed from this world, he invited all the animals to a great feast. Only twelve were present. Buddha named each year after all of the twelve animals in the order by which they arrived. The tiger was the third animal to arrive.

Tigers are very compassionate, supportive, and tenderhearted. They are without a doubt the lovers of the Chinese zodiac. The tiger is very alert and attentive to the world around them. Thoughtful and reflective, they have great intelligence. Tigers are fiercely loyal, and are very assertive. They will defend their loved ones boldly and vigorously. A tiger knows what it wants and is not afraid to go after it. They make passionate lovers and true friends. Conversely, they can also be hot headed, stubborn, and impulsive.

The natural elements that impact the world around them are also integrated into the Chinese horoscope system. This means that in the Chinese zodiac, you are not just a tiger, but a distinct type of tiger. Fire tigers are prone to short tempers but are full of presence and spirit. The water tiger is a social, brilliant visionary. Earth tigers are true workaholics, but they are also perceptive and composed. The metal tiger is very competitive, affectionate, and generous. Finally, the wood tiger is your endearing and amusing best friend.

Tigers do well with careers as explorers, actors, politicians, daredevils, writers, and actors. Marilyn Monroe and Dwight D. Eisenhower were two famous tigers. When you are looking for compatibility, it would be wise for the tiger to avoid snakes, monkeys, and the ox. Instead, find true love with a dog, horse, pig, rabbit, or dragon.

If these qualities sound like you, you must be a true tiger! Considering the Chinese horoscope tiger is such a versatile and likeable character, you should be proud! Keep moving stealthily through life, but be on the alert for troublesome monkeys!

Henry Fong
Feng Shui Consultant.
Read more at Feng Shui Absolutely

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Lucky Chinese Horoscope Gem Stones: The First Six Chinese Horoscope Gems

When the Chinese heavenly god and the Chinese earth god decided to create Chinese Astrology and associate Chinese horoscope signs with animals of planet earth, they concluded that each Chinese horoscope sign would need a sort of a powerful material that would not only represent the sign itself, but it would also develop a strong connection, a spiritual relationship with individuals that belong to that sign.

So the great Chinese gods created and collected the twelve most valuable and powerful gem stones on planet earth. These where: Garnet, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Pearl, Amethyst, Opal, Topaz, Emerald, Peridot, Citrine, Diamond and Ruby. Then by studying the attributes of the gem stones they assigned each gem to a Chinese Horoscope sign. These gem stones would protect and bring luck to the possessor. Let's talk about the attributes of the first six lucky Chinese horoscope gem stones and their association with Chinese Astrology and culture.

Lucky gem stone: Garnet

Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Rat

Attributes: Garnet is mostly associated with love, loyalty, passion, mental health and women's needs. Garnet usually comes in deep red colors, that is why Chinese like to call it "The Blood Stone". It is a gem stone that is very hard, which makes it suitable for wearing or for decoration purposes. Chinese use Garnet to alternatively cure severe melancholy and depression. Little pieces of Garnet are traditionally given to Chinese pregnant women to help them with their pregnancy. It is also known to stabilize a woman's menstrual cycles. A Chinese legend claims that if you tie a piece of Garnet in your front door it will protect your house against thieves.

Lucky gem stone: Aquamarine

Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Ox

Attributes: Aquamarine is associated with peace, tranquility, physical health, women and the spirit of the goddess. Aquamarine has an one of a kind transparent blue color that will bring calmness and mental clarity. According to Chinese legends, aquamarine was created by the great Chinese god of the sea who had the form of a sea monster. Then it was given as a divine gift to the Chinese goddesses of the sea in order to charm them. It is very common for Chinese fisherman to carry a piece of aquamarine to invoke the goddesses to bring them luck and protect them when sailing. Traditional Chinese doctors use it to cure digestive problems by dropping aquamarine jewelry into glasses of water and of course removing them a few minutes later, after aquamarine has acted.

Lucky gem stone: Sapphire

Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Tiger

Attributes: Sapphire is highly associated with guidance, and enlightenment, money, prosperity, peace of mind, leadership, inner strength and self confidence. Chinese use it to send away negative energy and wicked thoughts and bring amiability and fulfillment. Chinese legends claim that Sapphire will open your mind and show you the way to connect with your inner self and god. Sapphire is commonly used in China for concentration and visualization exercises because of its magnificent ability to inspire, and stabilize your mind. Sapphire is a gem stone associated with oracles, dreams and the art of seeing into the past and the future. Chinese call it "The Third Eye Stone" and use it to cure physical eye-diseases or improve their vision.

Lucky gem stone: Pearl

Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Rabbit

Attributes: The Pearl is associated with purity and purification, innocence and the feminine side of people. In Chinese culture the pearl is really powerful and is considered to be "The Tear From Heaven" or "The Tear of God". A Pearl is given to young, unmarried Chinese women to help them find their soul mate. It is a gift that Chinese fathers love to give to their young daughters when they reach adolescence to guard their purity. It is also common among wealthy Chinese to drink alcohol with dissolved pearls to cure all kinds of disease and illness. The Pearl is also used as strength and energy booster.

Lucky gem stone: Amethyst

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Dragon

Attributes: Amethyst is associated with strong intuition, the brain, wealth, peace, protection and spirituality. Chinese use it for many purposes. For example it is common to wear amethyst jewelry if you are about to drink a lot. Amethyst will protect you from drunkenness and will keep you sober. It is also used in many parts of China, against all kinds of addictions like smoking, alcohol or drugs. This magical purple gem stone is also used for spiritual purposes like meditation or divination. Chinese believe that Amethyst will increase your psychic powers and your invocation skills. Many Chinese Mediums and Astrologers (including me) always carry a piece of Amethyst with them as a divination tool. Last but not least, Amethyst is used in China as a natural medicine against insomnia and bad dreams.

Lucky gem stone: Opal

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Snake

Attributes: Opal is associated with guidance, luck, honor, potency, visions, dreams and mind power. In many western cultures Opal is considered as a bad stone. Chinese though, believe that Opal will bring tremendous luck and abundance to those people who's lucky gem stone is Opal. It is a strange and highly mystical gem stone with strong occult powers. Chinese legends refer to Opal as "The Invisibility Stone". It is also used to receive advice from the spirits through dreams. Chinese put it under their pillows to protect them when they enter the dream world during sleep. Chinese Mediums use it for spiritual journeys and to provide guidance. Opals can change their colors from dark to bright according to the mood of the possessor or to give a message to the holder.

Ewyen Minh is an eccentric Chinese Astrologer with over 30 years of experience in divination and the Chinese Zodiac system. Learn more about the twelve Lucky Chinese Horoscope Gem Stones or visit Ewyen's website about Chinese Astrology and Chinese Horoscope to find free information about your Chinese sign and discover a way to communicate with your soul and fulfill your destiny.

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Chinese Astrology Issues - 2007 Chinese Year of the Fire Pig

The Chinese Calendar is cyclical and is based on the lunar cycle. The Chinese New Year or the New Lunar Year as the Chinese like to call it, starts at a new moon phase and may fall between the last days of January and the middle of February. The 2007 Chinese New Year started at the 18th of February, at the first day of the first new moon phase of the classic western calendar year.

While February the 18th is the 49th day of the traditional western calendar, it is actually the first day of the year for the Chinese and other eastern cultures. The 2007 Chinese New Year is affected by the sign of the Pig. The attributes of this Chinese sign are (for the year 2007) combined with the element of fire, and here's what that means.

The Pig is the last Chinese sign of the Chinese zodiac cycle and it is generally ruled by the element of Water. But it is also the universal element of Fire who is the major ruler for this year. So it is Fire over Water for 2007. It is a great time to finish anything you have started the previous year or the past years. It is not a good time to start a new major and important project. The Pig and the element of Fire instructs you to go back and see what you've got, make any necessary changes, improve your goals and your strategy, finalize situations and get rid of what is bothering you whether it is emotions, feelings, friends, lovers or whatever.

The 2007 Chinese Year of the Pig is also an ideal time to think about the next year and prepare for some major changes that are very likely to happen during the new animal cycle that will begin with the year of the Rat in 2008. So try to carefully visualize your future goals and plans. Don't go into action yet. This is not a year for new beginnings. Just think of the future and visualize what you want to happen next year. Always keep that in mind and be careful not to be overwhelmed by the Pig's sensual or sexual temptations. You may be fooled.

This is also an excellent year for legitimate business and ventures. The Pig is quite aggressive and cynical when it comes to frauds, stolen properties/money or other illegal activities. You will be probably punished severely if you don't play by the rules this year. And it will be a final and strict punishment since the Pig is awaiting its turn in the zodiac cycle to punish bad people. Remember it is the last animal of the Chinese Horoscope and it must make sure everything is in place for the new animal cycle to begin.

It is highly likely that you will presented with a plethora of dilemmas this year. Maybe you will have to make important decisions, maybe choose between sides, you know black pill and blue pill stuff. The Pig favors you to open your mind and soul and start expressing yourself and talk sincerely to others about your feelings, thoughts or plans. Take a stand and act on what you want. It is not a good time to hide and go through shortcuts. Instead you have to select that what fits you the most without any hesitation or fear. If you act smart you will be rewarded afterwards. All your paths will be cleared and justified.

The Pig is a Chinese sign that is also associated with good luck and prosperity and if you follow the rules described above, the magnificent Pig will bring you harmony during the year and unexpected lucky events by the end of 2007. New opportunities may arise as the Pig year ends and depending on the job you've done with yourself during the year, these beneficial opportunities will actually be embedded in your life in a way that you cannot miss them or disregard them. Then it is up to you to make decisions and accept or reject new ideas or changes for the coming New Year.

The most important thing to remember about this Chinese Year is that the Pig is the last Chinese Horoscope sign. A cycle ends and a new one is about to begin. Don't forget that the Pig is also empowered by the universal element of Fire. The influence of Fire will be severe and powerful. Fire is here to help the Pig do some maintenance and clear/destroy what must go and disappear.

So, another cycle that started 11 years ago is about to finish and a new one will soon begin. Chinese strongly believe that the new Chinese horoscope cycle that will start in 2008, will be the most important for the human race as a whole. Chinese prophets and a lot of Chinese Astrologers (including me) agree that the new Chinese Zodiac cycle and the next few years will have a tremendous impact to humanity. We should expect a lot of pleasant and unpleasant surprises, but in the end all this will lead people to a new magical era. So say the analysts..

Ewyen Minh is an eccentric Chinese Astrologer with over 30 years of experience in divination and the Chinese Zodiac system. Visit Ewyen's website about Chinese Astrology and Chinese Horoscope to find free information about your Chinese sign and discover a way to communicate with your soul and fulfill your destiny.

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Feng Shui Remedies for Horse, Goat and Monkey Horoscope in Year of Rabbit 2011

The symbolism of Feng Shui is rich in the imagery of a people steeped in an ancient folklore and legends. This is to be expected since the Chinese have a longer recorded history than that of most other civilizations. Many of these rituals and beliefs came from the ancient practice of Feng Shui. Today let see how we apply all these symbolic enhancers for horoscope Horse, Goat and Monkey in year of Rabbit 2011.


Lucky stars are standing by your life chart to lessen the intrusion of evil stars. Anyway, you must always aware of scandals or gossips by minding your own business, talk less and act within moral means. Carry a Lucky Pendant would prevent or halt all scandals. Meanwhile, students will make great stride. Wear a Supremacy Pendant will enhance the clarity of your mind and thus improve academic luck. For those doing business, display a Wealth Beckon Gourd at the auspicious sector to accumulate wealth and attract many eminent aids. Besides, by having a Wisdom Pen Holder could help to harness your thinking power and bring it up to the next level.


With the presence of the evil stars, your lucky stars are unable to render any help. There may be incidence of lawsuits or ensuing conflicts. You may be troubled by many illness and injuries related issues. Besides praying to Grand Duke of Jupiter and White Tiger Deity, do carry a Grand Duke Jupiter Propitious Pouch for safe passage and transform dangers into blessing in disguise. In term of relationship, carry Phoenix Pendant to enhance your aura of attraction to the opposite gender. In addition to display a Solar Stars of Riches for fortune accumulation and dispel lawsuits, you can use Windfall Earning or All in Good Time to improve wealth luck and transform misfortune to good.


There are two great guardian stars and many other lucky stars to power you up. Strong luck level brings you joyous and a smooth sailing year. Sexual and wealth exhausting stars cause severe wealth loss. Thus, it is important to be prudent in your expenses. Carry an Obsidian Pendant to fend off illicit affairs and bad spell illnesses. You can also carry a Fortune Gem or Wealthy Pouch to soak in wealth energy and for protection. Display Treasure Pot to accumulate wealth or a Basalt Apparatus to avert disasters and to enhance your wealth luck. Place a Wisdom Pen Holder at home to enhance your analytical thinking and wisdom.

For more detailed zodiac forecast of year 2011, may take a look at 2011 Year of Rabbit Chinese Horoscope that elaborate with more details in term of career, wealth, health and relationship.

This article is an extension to the content site at http://www.101fengshuiremedies.com that serves as a education portal of Feng Shui information which cover Feng Shui Background, Schools of thought, Remedies and Chinese Horoscope Forecast. The purpose of this website is to provide Feng Shui fans developing basic knowledge of Feng Shui and proliferate the understanding and practice of this oriental wisdom principles to every corner of the world.

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2012年2月6日 星期一

Introduction To Chinese Astrology: A Brief Presentation Of The First Six Chinese Horoscope Signs

Here is a brief presentation of the first six of the twelve Chinese Horoscope signs, their nature, characteristics and attributes. I will present them as ordered by the supreme Chinese gods that created Chinese Astrology and the Chinese calendar system. The first six Chinese horoscope animal signs are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake. Here we go.

Rat (Yang-male nature)

The Rat is the very first animal of the Chinese Horoscope Cycle. A Rat is good at leading and conquering. Many famous emperors of Chinese history where Rats. Being able to charm others, Rat people are generally charismatic and full of passion. What makes them unique is their practical and dominant mind which gives them the ability to be organized, tactful and systematic. The other side of a Rat can reveal a very controlling person who always insists in doing everything its own way, at all costs. A Rat can also be very cruel and dangerous, especially when challenged. People under this major Chinese Horoscope sign are well known for their ability to use their master minds to exploit other's emotions, feelings and thoughts.

Ox (Yin-female nature)

The Ox is a powerful Chinese Horoscope sign which symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Ox people are usually very hard working and stubborn. Being admirer of power and possession, this Chinese Horoscope sign like to depend on itself to achieve all kinds of great things. Ox people are also a bit slow when making their decisions, especially if they are given a lot of options to choose from. Once they decide on something though, nobody can make them go another way. You can't easily get an Ox person to speak to you, but once you earn their trust, they will open their heart and mind in a very sincere and true way. An Ox can be a good and loyal friend.

Tiger (Yang-male nature)

Chinese astrologers consider the Tigers (not the lions) as kings of all animals. Tiger people are usually very attractive and persuasive. You cannot resist them easily and at the same time, you cannot attract their interest unless you try hard and be sincere. They like mystery, fairy tales and stories about courage and love. They will likely spend an adventurous life triggered by their instincts and strong emotions. Another important attribute of people under the Chinese Horoscope sign of Tiger, is the fact that they like surprises and out of the ordinary situations. If you want to have a Tiger as a friend then it's up to you to make sure your friendship will last since a Tiger will generally find it hard to maintain any relationship.

Rabbit (Yin-female nature)

The Rabbit is well known for its ability to attract good fortune and be lucky. Rabbit people, apart from being attractive to the opposite sex, they are also very good at solving complex situations and problems. Many well known Chinese politicians and diplomats belong to the Rabbit. Another aspect of this Chinese Horoscope sign reveals tendency to cultural activities and the arts. A Rabbit hates fighting and engaging in aggressive behaviors or activities because of its peaceful nature. Last but not least, Rabbit people hate surprises or unpredicted results and you may annoy them if you try to involve them in any risky situation. That is why it is likely that Rabbit people will miss several good chances in their lives.

Dragon (Yang-male nature)

Dragons are mythical powerful creatures worshiped by Chinese culture. A Dragon symbolizes strength, health, harmony and intellectuality. Many consider Dragon people extremely lucky and blessed. People under this eccentric Chinese Horoscope sign are generally charismatic and gifted with great powers. It is unlikely for a Dragon to go unnoticed from a social meeting or a party. Their unique attitude and self confidence will always work wonders in such situations. Dragon people are also well known for their honesty and sense of duty. These characteristics can sometime work against them because others will tend to take advantage of them. If a Dragon is your friend feel free to confide in them.

Snake (Yin-female nature)

The Snake (Serpent) is strongly related with deep and eternal wisdom. Snake people are always enigmatic and maybe the most wise of all Chinese Horoscope signs. A Snake usually evolves to become a philosopher, deep thinker, theosophist, magician or leader of the back scene. Snake people love learning, reading and eating good food. They are also very concerned about their outer appearance. Their best attribute is their excellent ability to communicate with others and successfully engage in interesting conversations. Snake people love new ideas and innovative thoughts and actions, but they will usually reject advice from anyone but themselves.

Ewyen Minh is an eccentric Chinese Astrologer with over 30 years of experience in divination and the Chinese Zodiac system. Learn more about the Twelve Chinese Horoscope signs or Visit Ewyen's website about Chinese Astrology and Chinese Horoscope to find free information about your Chinese sign and discover a way to communicate with your soul and fulfill your destiny.

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History of the Chinese Astrology Sign Information

Chinese astrology has been around ever since ancient astrologers stared at and examined the skies for foreshadowing, potential predictions of their country's future. Today, individuals worldwide are concerned with the history of the Chinese astrology, going so far as to check their Chinese horoscopes just as westerners daily check theirs. The Chinese zodiac comprises a twelve year cycle whereby each year is named for one of a dozen animals: the snake, sheep, tiger, dragon, boar, rooster, monkey, rat, ox, horse, rabbit, and dog. One person's future circumstances or destiny can be established through both the planets' positions and the date upon which he or she was born. Chinese astrology is still practiced in today's Chinese society, to the point where childbirth is "scheduled" to take place under a given zodiac period.

In accordance with the history of the Chinese astrology, one's traits, persona, future achievements and degree of success can be influenced via his or her specific zodiac. Let it be known however, an individual's horoscope is more complicated than the mere animal which depicts his or her year. The premise of Chinese horoscopes is also dependent upon the five elements relative to the planet under which the person was born. Earth, fire, metal, wood and water correspondingly represent the five planets, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury. The specific combination of element and relative planet determines the personal character traits of those twelve aforementioned animal signs. For instance, someone who embodies the Tiger, its fixed element being wood, is hard to predict, a rebel, strong, fervent, venturous, and impetuous.

However, Chinese astrology, besides founding the zodiacs in an individual's year of birth, also utilizes the month(inner animal) and hour(secret animal) to determine that person's characteristics and unique traits. Even though one is a Monkey by virtue of being born in the year of the Monkey, he or she could internally be a Lion internally while secretly a Snake. But let us not stop there. Numerous additional considerations bear upon one person's zodiac: which troika or groups of three do the animals belong? This, too, is dependent upon characteristic similarities.

Chinese astrology allows others to evaluate you on a personal level while, too, allowing you to assess you and your personality. During this introspection, you can ascertain what will transpire regarding your happiness, achievements, and future good fortune. Even today, the chronicling of the Chinese astrology is still being established. Some purported the Beijing Olympics to be a celebration of 2008 as China's year of good fortune. But what happened instead? Numerous calamities befell that country ahead of the opening Olympic ceremonies.

Additionally, other nations, too, have referred to Chinese horoscopes in hopes of determining what a certain day will bring. Thai, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese zodiacs are all based on the Chinese calendar except for modest deviations. Chinese influence upon a multitude of civilizations is so expansive that Chinese communities worldwide continue to consult and even live by predictions established in Chinese horoscopes.

Whether it be science, entertainment, or a blend of both, rest assured that the history of the Chinese astrology will continue to intrigue as well as confound for many generations to come.

Today, many people have a fervent interest in the history of the Chinese astrology [http://www.history-of-chinese-astrology.info/history_of_the_chinese_astrology.html] and Chinese astrology sign information [http://www.history-of-chinese-astrology.info] as a whole. But questions persist: What's fact? What's fiction? What is actually science? Where's the delineation? Visit these pages to investigate for yourself the reasons behind this growing fascination.

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Ways to Prevent Danger for the Rat, Ox and Tiger Horoscope in Year of Rabbit 2011

As usual we are always looking for cures when we could anticipate the obstacles in life. It is good to find the right Feng Shui cures when we know our problem ahead based on Chinese horoscope forecast. I would present the Horoscope remedies in 4 parts. Let take a look on the first part of 3 Zodiac today - Rat, Ox and Tiger.


Lucky stars shine collectively, and it is a great fortune this year, but offset by the weak health this year. Sometimes you will be troubled by small health issues. But most matters will be well as you have got eminent aid. Scandals may rock your life, so carry a black Obsidian Gourd to get rid of illness, disasters and vile persons. You can also enhance your luck with a Lucky Pendant. Summon eminent aid from all directions with the display of an Invincible Duo. It will also be wonderful if you display a Treasure Pot and All In Good Time to accumulate wealth, for good luck and fortune.


Luck of the ox is fleeting and vague in the progress of any task. Carry a Wealthy Cicada to make major breakthrough of any predicament. A Supremacy Pendant will aid in clearing the messy thoughts in the mind so as not to say the wrong things. Display a Wealthy Crystal Ingot or the Windfall Earnings to beckon wealth routes to tread. Have a Wealth Beckon Gourd to booster your health, and to accumulate all wealth, so that the wealth leak will be stopped by the blessing of the Eight Immortals engraved on it.


There are lucky starts shining their star dust on you, which suppress the evil star. Be very meticulous in your investment decisions. Be happy and unwind your busy mind so as to reduce the onslaught of illness. Carry an Eight Treasure Gold Coin with you to wish you safe passage on the way, and to get rid of bad luck. The Qilin or Phoenix Pendant will aid in blissful relationship or marriage. Display a Pixiu of Wealth at home to beckon wealth from all directions or the All in Good Time for smooth sailing endeavors.

For more detailed zodiac forecast of year 2011, you can read 2011 Year of Rabbit Horoscope that discuss in term of career, wealth, health and relationship from my geomancy and Feng Shui remedies site.

This article is an extension to the content site at http://www.101fengshuiremedies.com that serves as a education portal of Feng Shui information which cover Feng Shui Background, Schools of thought, Remedies and Chinese Horoscope Forecast. The purpose of this website is to provide Feng Shui fans developing basic knowledge of Feng Shui and proliferate the understanding and practice of this oriental wisdom principles to every corner of the world.

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How Chinese Horoscopes Differ From Vedic Horoscopes?

The term Vedic has been derived from the Vedas. The Vedic horoscopy is also better known as jyotish, meaning 'Science of light.' The Vedas encapsulated hymns sung in the praise of the lords. The Vedas are also a powerhouse of knowledge and wisdom. The Vedas followed a certain culture which was then known as 'bharat', now India. The Vedic horoscopes, thus, is all about knowledge, truth, absolute truth and the science of existence. The Vedas also contain knowledge astronomical science and are more than 5,000 years old. The best part about the Vedas and the Vedic horoscopy is the way it has been successful in preserving the ancient heritage and rich knowledge of the nation. It also speaks volumes about the numerous invasions of our country. In a nutshell, it can be said that the Vedic horoscopes are basically the science of purusha, science of spirit, science of karma and the manner in which it affects the matter. When we talk about the matter, it means the following things: Earth, water, fire, air and space. The initial four elements are predominant in our daily life but the fifth one is basically beyond the knowledge of a common man. Apart from the above mentioned elements, there is also the concept of the three 'Gunas' the term Guna means' something that binds.' The three Gunas mentioned in the Vedic horoscopes are listed below:

1) Sattwa: This term symbolizes knowledge, peace and harmony. The main aim of Sattwa is to bind us to the renowned worldly pleasures, which to an extent, also acts as a barrier in paving way for emancipation. At times, Sattwa is also expressed as soul.

2) Rajas- The term Rajas refers to pleasure, activities and motivation. Rajas helps in binding the motivation of an individual coupled with desire in order to produce pleasure. It is also expressed as emotions and mind.

3) Tams - Is referred to as ignorance, inertia, stability and attachment. Tamas is best expressed by a human body (physically). In this Guna, our tendencies are attached with our inertia to stick to form and situation.

Thus, The Vedic horoscopy is generally based on the above mentioned rituals and science. It is only after keeping them in mind that the astrologers jump to a conclusion regarding the fate of an individual.

On the other hand, the Chinese method of horoscopy differs from the Vedic one in a different way.

Just like the Vedic horoscopes. The Chinese Horoscopes consists of five different elements namely wood, water, metal, fire and earth. The lunar calendar in the Chinese Horoscopy has a cycle of sixty years. The fate of an individual, in the Chinese Horoscopy depends on which lunar year of the 60 year cycle was the individual born. It is also assumed that the five elements mentioned above make all of the matter combined with the twelve animal signs namely tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, monkey, lamb, pig, dog, ox, rooster and horse. The Chinese system of horoscopy is never based on dogmas or is fatal for an individual. An individual would never feel dominated or captured by his weaknesses. Rather, he/she would be propelled to explore the available resources in the most imaginative and feasible way. Instead of stopping someone, the Chinese horoscopes will propel a person to construct new ways; in case his/her present is unable to meet his/her future demands. Following such norms will automatically help a person in solving the worst of problems and overcoming the insurmountable as well. This is how the Chinese horoscope prepares someone for the worst so that he/she can achieve the best.

This is how; the Chinese system of Horoscopy is different from the ancient and the cultural system of Vedic horoscope. It is a good sign that, people have embraced both forms of horoscopy with open arms and hopefully, will continue to do so in the near future as well.

you can visit my blog at jibonerakibuki...The strokes of life

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2012年2月5日 星期日

Horoscopes 2012

2012 begins with a potent Solar Return, where as the first minutes of the New Year dawns the Sun and Pluto and just two degrees apart known as a conjunction. This will provide the defining background influence for the year ahead.

This planetary alliance has the potential for great good, but also for people working so much to their own agenda's but this is a dangerous route, because it can lead to them destroying themselves, if they arouse enough opposition. So the key to this year is using your power wisely and fairly.

Furthermore the Solar Eclipse of last November 25th, is also important to mention for its influence continues for a further five months. This occurred in Sagittarius, and this too can be a guide to the year. The Eclipse occurred in the third Decan of the Archer, where it's secondary ruler is the Sun itself, providing a real celestial anchor for the more "go for it" energies of this sign's ruler, Jupiter, which can see us diving into situations rashly. Jupiter also influences learning, philosophy, religion, and travel, and of course International affairs have been much on the agenda in the last part 2011, and will continue to be so.

Neptune returns to Pisces (after a brief visit in 2011) for an extended stay on February the 4th. Neptune is very comfortable in this sector and emphasises both traditional religion and also more New Age ones. Or this can help to stimulate big ideas, and more underlying issues coming to the centre of people's consciousness.

Saturn continues through Libra and for five months from the 7th February goes into reverse, or retrograde, this is asking us to keep up the virtuous efforts that it has been urging for each of us to strive for, in all our unique ways. The more you have worked with Saturn, the more this period can lead to a solidifying process. If you have resisted its energies, there may be more lessons to learn. Yet in October, Saturn moves into Scorpio, and that can be the time when the worlds economic woes, really come under the astral spotlight.

Jupiter starts the year in Taurus, moving into Gemini on June 12th. In Taurus, the issue with extravagance continues, but if we work with this, hopefully the needs of those less fortunate in the world especially in developing nations can be addressed. The downturn of last year could be attributed to Jupiter's five month backward retrograde, which ended on Christmas Day.

In Gemini, Jupiter is more complex. The planet is seen as being in its detriment here, because of the opposition to Sagittarius of which it rules. However there are worse locations. All sorts of bright ideas can develop in this transit, and plenty of debate. A new technological breakthrough can follow in the next 12 months, and smart technological can gain pace.

Mars also continues in its extended transit through Virgo through to the 3rd of July, when he switches to Libra, and restarts a more typical six week journey through each sign. Mars is about personal gratification, the ego, but it is also sharp eyed and potentially sharp tongued in Virgo. Acerbic exchanges can come from this. Mars like recognition, Virgo urges sacrifice, so there is an incompatibility. However, if you want to work really hard, attend to the details and look at health, diet and fitness issues, he can be a help here.

There is a Solar Eclipse in Gemini of May the 20th. Eclipse's work in pairs, but the opposition to November's Sagittarius Eclipse, is around 5 degrees apart, squeezing in as it does, at 0 Degrees. In the first part of Gemini, the focus here is very much on ideas, technology and intellectual debate.

Yet this Eclipse is squared by Neptune which a much slower moving planet. Moon Square Neptune can be about confusion, deceit and escapism in all its many forms and there could be a confusing period for us all that runs on from this Eclipse when we try to balance our hopes, and expectation with reality. This may not be a very good aspect for international affairs concerning dictatorships or totalitarian regimes.

Yet the year ends on a high, with a wonderful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th November. This will help to balance the restrictive influences of Saturn's new home in Saturn, and can bring new hope to the world's economic infrastructures.

Finally, you may have heard of the precession of the Equinoxes or the Mayan Calendar. You may have also heard of the Hendaye Cross. All this points towards the potential end of the world, but what it really means, is the end of the old way, and the beginning of the new order.

For further insights in your Horoscopes 2012 for Love and Romance, Health and Fitness, Money and Work or Leisure and Pleasure time or your Chinese Horoscope 2012.

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Goats - Chinese Zodiac's Forecast For Year 2010

Below is the list of peoples who born within the year of sheep:

1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

These are the breakdown of categories according to the forecast for Chinese zodiac for goats at 2010.


Persons who born in the year of Goat is always very optimistic and graceful, kind and tolerant. That is exactly the real characteristic if them. Sometimes, they get snappish at times and sometimes they are unhappy with what they have. In another hand, they can be charming as well without being one. In fact, with the talent and imagination, they can turn anything into a success.


With the help of the people close to you, you can overcome any circumstances in your job. From the creativity perspective, you will definitely have a lot of ideas and outstanding performances to show to other people. and eventually will earn a lot of respect from your superior as well as your colleagues. The reputation given to you guarantees a better opportunity in advance career paths. If there a better opportunity, be sure to seek advice from other people to avoid any problem especially if it involves signing of contract.


Though it is going to be a tiring year, it is going to be an enjoyable year also. Since it is a happy year, you will definitely be in a good mood as well. But there will also be chances where they might gets into accident or injury. Be careful when you drive or at work. Always look out for the health of people surrounding you. Keep a look out at their health condition. It is advisable to consume food with balance nutrition value and have adequate rest everyday.

CN Pong recommends to use 701Panduan, a Malaysia online business directory with comprehensive details with company info, Malaysia city guides and maps.
Log on to search for goats Chinese zodiacs guides and get free information on Chinese New Year gifts today.

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Is Chinese Astrology Compatibility For Real?

We like to think of ourselves as modern people. If you look back at what was considered modern twenty years ago, or fifty years ago, it's easy to sneer at what people used to think of as "up-to-date."

Although we didn't "need" the internet in 1895, we certainly need it now. Are there any things we needed a hundred years ago, that we still need? Would there possibly be anything from fifteen centuries ago, that might still be relevant today? Yes, indeed.

We are still looking for love, aren't we? We still want to find "The One," don't we?

Fifteen centuries ago, "The One" meant something a bit different than what we mean now. In China, how your families got along and honoring your ancestors, meant just as much, if not more than, how well you and your bride or groom got along. But we are Modern People, so we can choose our spouses however we want, can't we?

Of course we can, but to do it randomly, which is the modern way, will only contribute to a zooming divorce and unhappiness rate, which is its direct result. To improve our chances of a "Perfect Match," we will use the same techniques that those ancient Chinese did: Chinese Astrology Compatibility.

Do you recall the Chinese zodiac animals? You know: the Year of the Rat, Year of the Ox? Rat energy, Ox energy, Tiger energy, and all the rest are tied to the acupuncture meridians. The meridians are the way that our emotions actually show up in our bodies.

The Chinese zodiac animals are the names for certain groups of emotions that are hot buttons in you, from the date, time, and place you are born. The Chinese zodiac animals are real personalities, not fakes or fictions, that everybody has! You need to know what your animals are, if you are going to find "The One."

With Chinese astrology, you have four personalities, not just one!

You have four different ways you aim your mind, not just one.

You have more than one way that life's energy flows through you.

You have many ways in which you are active or receptive.

That's a lot of different ways that a partner can match -- or clash -- with you!

Everyone behaves differently, depending upon which part of your life you're in at the moment, and which area of your life others pass through.

You don't behave the same way with your work mates as you do with your siblings. You don't behave the same way with your siblings as you do with your spouse, and you don't behave the same way with your spouse as you do with your children.

If he or she is "The One," you want to be able to get along with him or her, no matter where you are, and no matter which others may also be present! Chinese astrology compatibility nails this down for you.

When you marry someone, the relationship between you two changes, no matter what you try to do. Your mate is no longer exactly the person you went out with, and "clicked" with.

Wouldn't you like to know, in advance, that you will still get along with your mate when you go to see his relatives, when you finally tie the knot, when you both have children together? Going on a couple of dates, and hoping to "click," (even though it is the modern way) is a haphazard and unreliable way to find that out!

Chinese astrology will answer these questions for you. Chinese astrology will let you know in advance if your marriage can work out, or not. A thousand-year-old system, that has worked for countless couples, and the most reliable personality test ever devised, Chinese astrology compatibility is for real.

Ko Hashiguchi is an expert Astrologer, specializing in Four Pillars Chinese Astrology since 1986. Ko has spoken before the UAC in 2002, the NORWAC and the AFA conferences in 2003. Ko was featured in the documentary film, "Return of the Magi," and is the Author of the books, "Pillars of Heaven: Chinese Astrology Revealed," and "Ko Hashiguchi Four Pillars Chinese Astrology." Visit Ko's website to discover how your Chinese Horoscope sign shapes your personality and controls your destiny, and how the Chinese Zodiac will help you find your perfect spouse and compatible mate!

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2012年2月4日 星期六

The Chinese Horoscopes Can Be Confusing to Learn

You probably did not know it but 2008 is the Year of the Rat. The time line of the Rat comes once every twelve years. There are eleven other animal zodiac signs that occur once a year as well in Chinese horoscopes.

It is a far different cycle than the one Americans use. It all has to do with ancient mythology and about a king bringing together twelve animals and assigning them a specific year, which they would rule. Some feel it is the best astrology to be used, yet regardless of your personal feelings, it never hurts to learn more.

Chinese horoscopes differ from Western horoscopes in several ways. Take for example the zodiac sign Libra in the Western horoscope. It is for one month. But, as an example, the Rat is for one entire year. A Chinese zodiac sign is also given an element according to the year in which it falls. There are five elements in all.

Each Chinese zodiac sign occurs once in a rotation of twelve years. So that means, by the time an individual sign, say for example the Rat, is through its entire elemental cycle it has reached sixty years.

Then the cycle starts over again in a never ending pattern of the Great Solar Cycle. It can be very confusing, so do not worry overly about it. Most people only want to know the best astrology sign for their work day or their romantic interest.

It is important to know the animals involved in the Chinese horoscope, as well as their order. It starts off with the Rat. The following animals, in order are: Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram (or Sheep), Monkey, Dog and the Pig.

Each zodiac sign is given a spot in the constellations and is religiously followed by some individuals. It is a way of life that many practice religiously by looking up their horoscope daily.

Chinese horoscopes are fascinating and can provide you with countless hours of study, while learning the unique and rich culture behind each of the signs. You can visit "Chinese Astrology" to learn more about the fabulous Jade King and how he gathered together all of the twelve animals that represent the Chinese Zodiac. You can get a customized profile of your zodiac sign and then find out if your partner is right for you. It is a great way to pass the time and even though it is sometimes confusing, it is entertaining.

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Snakes - Chinese Zodiacs and Horoscopes Forecast Year 2010

Below is the list of peoples who born within the year of snake:

1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

These are the breakdown of categories according to the forecast for Chinese zodiac for snakes at 2010.


Persons who are born in this year shine with a few of their very fine personality. Being intelligent and spontaneous are among those of the fine qualities. Do not be amazed with the flirtatious personality because they are born to be one and also known as a romantic friend to be with. Somehow, they can never beat challenges and criticism. The plus point with them is that they get lucky with smart money managing skills.


Either your career will be good or it will be bad all year long. Throughout the year, you will be spending a lot of time working with your superior or a senior employees. Eventually, they will either help you with it or they make things worse. In other cases, there might be an increase in your salary or being transferred to another department in exchange of position. Always keep in mind to check your work before delivering because people might take advantages over you, work smart and try to avoid mistakes at all cost. If you are working on your own business, do not expect to have high return in your investment or sales revenue. Keep a look out in order not to get involve in lawsuit.


You will be healthy in 2010. But take a look out at your temper. Due to arguments and because of your bad temper, you might fall sick. You should not stay out late at night as well or better still, to stay in during night. When you are on road, focus on your driving. Safety is important, it is recommended to ask your friends for accompaniment to reduce the rate of bad mood.

CN Pong recommends to use 701Panduan, a Malaysia online business directory with comprehensive details with company info, Malaysia city guides and maps.
Log on to search for snakes Chinese zodiacs guides and get free information on Chinese New Year meanings today.

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Horoscope - What it Really Is

It comes with a number of other names - chart wheel, radix, radical chart, vitasphere, cosmogram, star-charts, sky-map, celestial or astro-map, astrological chart or astro-chart to name a few. It is more commonly known as horoscope and in astrology, it is considered as the map of a person's birth and its correlation with the position of the celestial bodies such as the moon, the sun, the planets, and other space objects. The Greek word from where the word horoscope is derived from is "horoskopos" which means "a look at the hours" or "horoskopoi" which in turn means "marker of the hour". And it is apltly named because the astrologers and those who practice horoscope interpretation derive their information by looking at the planets and stars and marking their positions and interpreting these interplanetary and other celestial movements and its relation to a person's behavior and anything else in that individual's path of life and decisions. For Chinese horoscope, events on people's lives are based on a calendar with animal characters and each animal has its own distinct set of characteristics that form part of a person's actuation's and behavior if he is born under that specific animal's sign and month.

In short, the horoscopes serve as a map of the sky and are used to interpret and guide a man's decision and his way of life. Since time immemorial, in more ways than one, the horoscope has played an important role in shaping up a lot of people's lives and decisions that affect other lives. Choices and options in life that include love, relationships, work, employment, choice of a house, friends, and a lot more are consulted by many on the horoscope charts. For the Chinese horoscope, specific attributes fall on a person if he is born on a specific time of the year and this guides people who believe in this horoscope into choosing their partners in life. Compatibility is one facet of a relationship that is always measured using horoscopes. Even those who profess that they only view their horoscope because of curiosity and fun just because everybody is doing it are subtly or subconsciously following what their horoscope says. And that is also the reason all major and even the smaller newspapers never fail to come out with their daily issues with their daily dose of horoscope predictions because a lot read the newspaper and the first thing that they turn to is the page that contains the horoscope to guide them through the day.

Whether the horoscope predictions are accurate or not, it is undeniable that it has affected more lives than war itself and it still continues to do so for years to come.

Get the real horoscopes online and grab the latest astrology compatibility chart by visiting the links provided.

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2012年2月3日 星期五

Chinese Horoscope - Find Your Chinese Astrology Sign

Everybody is interested in knowing what is going to happen in his or her in the near future. Whether he will be successful in exams, whether he will get married to his love, whether his business will work, what about the marriage life ahead and other lot many questions have always attracted people towards their horoscope. Every morning we get up and look for the horoscope page to know that day's fortune. Horoscope and various other astrological products have always allured the mankind.

Chinese horoscope is one such type of horoscope which is based on traditional astrology theories and calendars. Chinese horoscope is associated with different principles of Chinese philosophy like yin yang theory, five element theory, wu xing teachings, 12 earthy branches, lunisolar calendar etc. The Chinese form of geomancy, Feng shui, believes that balance between yin and yang and five elements determine the person's happiness and prosperity. These five elements have particular energy (qi) in a particular direction. Any imbalances in them invite negative energy towards a person thus interrupting in his smooth life.

Chinese horoscope is basically calculated according to the wu xing teachings. This says that five major planets Venus, Jupiter, mercury, mars and Saturn are associated with five elements metal, wood, water, fire and earth respectively. An individual's fortune is determined with the position of these planets along with position of sun and moon. Persons' time and place of birth also holds an important position.

Luni solar calendar is a calendar of 60 year cycle. Here two cycles interact with each other. One is the cycle of five elements named as wood, fire, earth, water, and metal. These five elements are present in their yin yang forms. The other one is of 12 animal signs starting from rat with ending on boar. These two cycles in combination forms 60 pairs or 60 years. They always start from yang wood rat and ends with yin metal boar. As animal signs are divisible by 2 so each zodiac sign can occur in either the yin form or yang form. You can find your Chinese astrology sign among this only. Start of every new zodiac is considered as start of new Chinese year. This comes around the end of January or February.

In China a person's traits are determined by not asking his/her age but by asking to which animal he belongs to. Chinese zodiac is divided in 12 year cycle and each year is represented by an animal. Each animal has different characteristics, traits and behavior according to which person's physical and mental attributes are decided. This also helps in knowing about the success and happiness in your life throughout.

The 12 animal signs are in the following order:

• Rat

• Ox

• Tiger

• Rabbit

• Dragon

• Snake

• Horse

• Ram

• Monkey

• Rooster

• Dog

• Pig (boar in Japan)

The concept behind these 12 animals is that once Buddha called all the animals for celebrating New Year's Eve. But only 12 animals were successful in reaching there. Moreover Ox was fast and was supposed to reach there for first but rat sat on ox's back and jumped just before the destination. Therefore it came first and ox was second.

Chinese horoscope is not used for fortune predictions as such but is very reliable in telling bout person's character, talents and biases. You can also try your Chinese fate by knowing your Chinese year and animal. Don't get tensed if it displays something horrible, negative or terrible. Just take this for fun and enjoy what's there in your luck.

George jhon is an Author for Backonyourfeet, A natural Heath Clinic where our highly skilled experts may guide you about Fundamentals of Chinese zodiac to Improve Your Life. For more information, visit http://www.backonyourfeet.com.au

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Rats - Chinese Zodiac's Forecast For the Year 2010

Below is the list of peoples who born within the year of rat:

1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

These are the breakdown of categories according to the forecast for Chinese zodiac for rats at 2010.


The best thing about the person who born in the year of Rat is that they are charming, elegant and clever. Speaking about personal money and financial management, they are cautious and savvy on everyday expenses and other finance planning. With its charm, they will definitely be popular especially among friends and families and friends mean the most for them. Sometimes they might get a little gossipy and they easily got distracted by their surroundings and friends. So it is advisable to hanging out with the correct persons on different occasions.


It will be a busy year for them at the year of 2010 with their career and daily tasks being up and down as there will not be any significant career achievement in the coming year. Since there will be a lot of hassle and obstacles, it is wise to keep your expectations low and try to think carefully to make wise decisions on work tasks and daily activities. One good suggestion will be stay alert and maintain good relationship with all the peoples around you, explore and learn more to gain valuable working experience. Only perseverance and continuous efforts will guide you to the correct path and bringing you success in the end.


You might tend be emotional in the year 2010 due to more work loads and pressures from working environments. Learn to stop when you need, take a break, go for a party or vacations and spend some time on entertainment activities. Sometimes, just relax for a moment and doing some meditations at home might help you to focus even more on different tasks. Besides that, try to avoid unnecessary arguments might help to maintain good health conditions.

CN Pong recommends to use 701Panduan, a Malaysia online business directory with comprehensive details with company info, Malaysia city guides and maps.
Log on to search for rats Chinese zodiacs guides and get free information on Chinese New Year gifts today.

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Chinese Zodiac - Personality Traits


Rats are usually considered ambitious, power hungry and honest people. They are known for being quick witted and can be very loyal, loving and charming. Imaginative is another trait however they can be hot tempered and overly critical at times. They can have an aggressive streak and be very stubborn. Female rates tend to fall in love easily and worry over the smallest things. Male rates may come across as being very social but actually are very protective of their privacy.


Tigers are born leaders which are very courageous and capable of great love. They are also charming with plenty of charisma. They like to take risks but generally lead a carefree life. Warm hearted is another trait. Female tigers are friendly and outgoing. She will take pride in her appearance and enjoys expensive clothing. Male tigers thrive on competition often changing jobs when they get bored. Males are very head strong and independent and insist on doing things their way.


Dragons are natural leaders which are intelligent, gifted, bossy, loud and garish. Full of energy and flamboyant springs to mind. Female dragons are independent and love to entertain and will be extroverts. Male dragons are creative and like to break rules. They are lovers of an adrenalin rush and happy to live a single life playing the field.


Horse people love to travel and are energetic, intelligent and ambitious. They can be very impatient though and hot-headed. Egotistical is a trait they carry which makes them great politicians and scientists. Female horses are often the life and soul of the party but also just as happy in their own home. They like to work with their hands in many different crafts. Male horses can be impulsive and erratic. They may take some time to settle down as freedom is one of their top priorities.


Monkeys are known to be clever, entertaining and inventive. They are great at solving problems. Female monkeys are bright and can excel at anything she puts her mind too. Flirtatious by nature, and a lover of her social life, which won't be given up if she has a family. Male monkeys are never boring and are a great social animal. Once he chooses a mate he will be a passionate and intense lover.


Dogs are honest, quiet, intelligent, generous and stubborn but loyal. They are usually honourable people and make great businessmen or women. Male dogs will often thing they know best even if they haven't a clue as to what is really going on. They are hard workers and good with money management. Women dogs are very giving people who are great listeners. She would make a great nurse, doctor or teachers.


Ox people make the very best friends as they are patient, loyal and very caring. Heard of the saying "Stubborn as an Ox?" well this is true of an Ox person. The female Ox loves to be at home with their family and make excellent mums. The male Ox is usually quiet but confident. He will be loyal and faithful so will make a great partner.


Rabbit people are affectionate, talented and sweet natured. They will not like confrontations or arguments and doing anything they can to be the diplomatic. Female rabbits are often very sentimental and emotional and can be easily hurt by criticism. Male rabbits are cautious people who take time to make decisions. They are prudent with money and slow to settle down.


Snakes tend to have magnetic personalities due to being charming and sophisticated. They have a great sense of humour but can be very secretive and vain. Female snakes will make sure her appearance is perfect and you will find them very sophisticated and bewitching. The male snake can be very possessive and not be so hot in the communication department.


Goats are known to be creative, artistic and passionate. Elegant, warm hearted, honest and charming are all other traits. They are very well mannered but can be lazy at times. Moody is another trait and they do not take well to pressure. Female goats are often impractical, happiest when at home being creative. Male goats can be very fussy but are very kind and gentle people. They make great fathers and also lovers dues to their romantic streak.


Roosters are forthright people who are more than happy to tell you their likes or dislikes. They are shrewd, courageous, arrogant, reckless and eccentric people. The male rooster is very proud man and won't run away during troubling times. He is cheerful and confident in what he does. Female rooters set very high standards for her and others. Very truthful by nature and a lover of good clothes, diamonds and jewellery.


Pig people are honest, reliable, sincere, tolerant and shy. Kind and impulsive are other traits. Female pigs are very patient, cheerful and outgoing people but love quiet times. Males are generous and sincere but can really be stubborn. He won't be taken for granted and will enjoy being the host at dinner parties. Pigs also make great parents.

Carolyn Clayton writes for English Astrologer Patrick Arundell who offers Horoscope & Astrology readings including love horoscopes, Chinese Horoscopes and much more.

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Lucky Chinese Horoscope Gem Stones: The Last Six Chinese Horoscope Gems

When the Chinese heavenly god and the Chinese earth god decided to create Chinese Astrology and associate Chinese horoscope signs with animals of planet earth, they concluded that each Chinese horoscope sign would need a sort of a powerful material that would not only represent the sign itself, but it would also develop a strong connection (spiritual relationship) with individuals that belong to that sign.

So the great Chinese gods collected the twelve most valuable and powerful gem stones on planet earth. These where: Garnet, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Pearl, Amethyst, Opal, Topaz, Emerald, Peridot, Citrine, Diamond and Ruby. Then by studying the attributes of the gem stones they assigned each gem to a Chinese Horoscope sign. These gem stones would protect and bring luck to the possessor. Let's talk about the attributes of the last six lucky Chinese horoscope gem stones and their association with Chinese Astrology and culture.

Lucky gem stone: Topaz

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Horse

Attributes: Topaz is associated with courage, confidence, creativity, relaxation and security. And indeed Topaz is a powerful gem stone that Chinese use to overcome all fears and achieve all kinds of amazing goals. Topaz is also a great gem stone for artists, fashion people, architects, writers or decorators and everyone who needs an increased amount of imagination and creativity. Topaz has a yellow-golden color. An old Chinese legend claims that Topaz can help you think higher and deeper and can also show you how to overcome all obstacles that may stand in your way. Traditional Chinese doctors use it extensively to cure mental disorders or brain conditions.

Lucky gem stone: Emerald

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Sheep

Attributes: Emerald symbolizes the mother of all goddesses. It is associated with love, money and wealth, beauty, integrity, self knowledge, truth, justice and rarity. Chinese believe that it is a powerful gem stone that will bring prosperity, increased sexual capabilities and potency. It is used to attract members of the opposite sex and find pure and true love. A Chinese legend clearly states that the emerald is "The Gem Stone of Truth" and if your heart deserves it, then the emerald will help you find the eternal truth. Chinese believe that the use of emeralds, combined with the careful use of candles can attract and conquer every heart and soul. Emeralds are also great natural antidepressants that will increase mental clarity and perception. This rare green gem stone is also used for people who find it hard telling the truth.

Lucky gem stone: Peridot

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Monkey

Attributes: Peridot is a unique gem stone that is deeply associated with marriage, mental health, spirituality, maturity, mysticism, jealousy, channeling and visions. It is considered very mysterious and powerful. Chinese use to fight the jealousy and envy of evil people. Ancient Chinese soldiers used it to sooth their anger since it was a rule of thumb that you should never attack or fight when you are angry. Peridot is also used in every Chinese wedding for the purpose of marital happiness and complete sexual life. The couple wears hand-made peridot jewelry during the wedding ceremony. Chinese tradition refers to the Peridot as "The Ego Stone" because of its rare ability to heal a damaged ego.

Lucky gem stone: Citrine

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Rooster

Attributes: Citrine is generally associated with abundance, creation and creativity, academics, intellectuality, science, prosperity, success, education and true wisdom. According to Chinese legends Citrine is "The Stone of Success" and it should be given to generous people only. Citrine jewelry was deeply appreciated by ancient Chinese emperors for their ability to increase intellectual capabilities and broaden the mind. Today Citrine is used by modern Chinese students to help them succeed on exams. Many Chinese professors and teachers also use it when lecturing. Citrine is widely used in China during gem stone healing sessions to produce feelings and emotions and thoughts of abundance.

Lucky gem stone: Diamond

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Dog

Attributes: Diamond is a valuable stone associated with power, protection, strength, courage, loyalty, friendship, originality, purity, fidelity and innocence. Chinese consider the diamond's association with purity and power, divine. It is actually what makes it an excellent and popular gift for all occasions. Diamonds are powerful guards against evil according to the Chinese culture. A Chinese legend refers to the diamond as "The Stone of Morality". In China today, People who can afford it wear diamonds because they believe that this magical stone enhances and intensifies the qualities of the wearer. A traditional contest of the "Rearmost Diamond" is held every year as a celebration in many parts of China. Chinese believe that one of the winners will fight in the higher world of spirits, to become the next leader of China.

Lucky gem stone: Ruby

Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Pig

Attributes: Ruby is associated with fortune, health, glory, fame, blood, heat, tactics, courage, intelligence and leadership. Chinese use it to send away negative energy and bad fortune. A Ruby can also be used as a precaution measure against illnesses and health conditions. Chinese legends tell us that the Ruby is "The Stone of the Famous" and that it can show you how to become well known in every part of the world. Chinese emperors loved the ruby and where always inspired by it. The Ruby is used today by traditional Chinese doctors to stabilize blood pressure and cure all blood related problems. It is also well known to Chinese Physicians for its ability to increase body heat.

Ewyen Minh is an eccentric Chinese Astrologer with over 30 years of experience in divination and the Chinese Zodiac system. Learn more about the twelve Lucky Chinese Horoscope Gem Stones or visit Ewyen's website about Chinese Astrology and Chinese Horoscope to find free information about your Chinese sign and discover a way to communicate with your soul and fulfill your destiny.

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2012年2月2日 星期四

Love Horoscopes - A Brief Introduction to Chinese Horoscope Compatibility Tests

With the rising incidence of divorce and break ups, it is a good idea to have your love horoscope matched with your prospective life partner well before you tie the knot. Having an affair with someone you are not compatible with, leads to a difficult married life. Though many incompatible partners lead a peaceful life, they remain dissatisfied from their life.

Divorce and break ups happen because we do not take our love life seriously. Though you fall in love without thinking about compatibility, it is better to check if you compatible with your partner. It saves you from a lot of differences that develop later in life. Matching love horoscope gives you an idea of what kind of person you are compatible with.

There are various types of compatibility tests available these days. Based on your date and time of birth, they can give clues about how you love life is going to be. Like many other zodiac readings Chinese horoscope compatibility test gives you a report based on the year of your birth. Chinese horoscopes are based on a 12 year cycle. Each year is represented by an animal. Depending upon your year of birth, you are associated with that animal. Your personality traits are determined as per your animal sign.

Your animal sign is like your zodiac sign of many other types of astrological readings. Each sign in compatible with two other signs forming a group of three signs known as "trines". All 12 signs have been divided into 4 trines consisting of 3 most compatible signs. These 4 trines are as follows

• Rat,Dragon, Monkey

• Ox, Snake, Rooster

• Tiger, Horse, Dog

• Rabbit, Ram, Pig

When two partners do not fall in the same trine, they usually lead a life full of discord and differences. Initial attraction fizzles out as soon as they get married. Even if you do not believe in horoscopes and astrology in general, you will find some remarkable similarity with the traits of your animal sign. Popularity of Chinese horoscope has gone up in recent years because it gives you somewhat more straightforward love compatibility report than many other astrological readings.

Compatibility test in general is a good way to find out if you are dating the right person. Though there are ways to lead a happy life even if you are incompatible with your partner, it is better to have an affair with someone you will naturally go along with.

Would you like to find out if you are compatible with your dating partner? Get one of the most accurate personalized Love Horoscope that will tell you if you should take your relationship to a higher level. Read more about types of astrology and order your Love Compatibility test report now

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Chinese Horoscope - Ox

The Chinese horoscope Ox, the Zodiac is classified as being stable and preserving. Amongst the eastern and western countries, the Chinese horoscope has gained a bit of popularity. We must say, when we look at the fast, the Chinese are the individuals that first predicted the future for people. Did you know that? The Chinese Lunar Calendar is known for being the longest record that is now available. It dates all the way back to 2637 BC. Don't you want to have your future predicted? If so, then the Chinese Horoscope is the best way to go.

If you were born under the Ox symbol, then you are stable and fortunate. You may also be preserving. Typically, the Ox is a person that comes from a strong character and is tolerant. When decided upon how to accomplish a goal, they do not have any fears.

We used this wonderful creature a long time ago in order to work in our fields day in and day out, do those Ox people work through their responsibilities of life. Do they complain? No, they do not gripe or complain about what they have to do. They know what they need to do and they go for it, head first. They do not stop, until their tasks are complete. If you are born under this, then you know just how true this is. Right?

The year of the Ox comes around ever twelve years. It would be best if you check the calendar in order to find what the exact date on the year that it begins. Those individuals under this sign do not depend on their friends or anyone else.

When there is an answer that needs to be found, they would much more prefer to come up with that answer on their own. However, they are easy to trust.

You can, without any doubt in your mind, be able to rely on this type of person. They share close bonds with both their family members and their friends. They also make friends that last a lifetime.

Whenever the Chinese horoscope Ox makes a decision about something, it is rare that they change it. However, they are known for being people that have open minds. So, what sign do you fall under? If you're not sure, then it's time for you to do some research and find out if you're an Ox.

Henry Fong
Feng Shui Consultant.
More Feng Shui articles at Feng Shui Absolutely

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Basics of the Chinese Horoscope and Your Compatibility With Other Signs

Chinese astrology has become one of the aspects that most people have a fascination for nowadays. As we all know, this has been going on since the ancient times, and has been rooted on early myths and legends. The concept of the twelve animal signs works hand in hand with the five elements and forms a cycle of sixty years. The animals represent the years that people are born. Chinese astrology believes that the characteristics of these animals are given to the people who are born in the years that they represent.

As how all stories go, there are existing tales which govern the twelve animals of the zodiac. Probably the most famous is about the invitation of these animals to a race. The first twelve beings that will finish the race will be rewarded with a spot in zodiac. The animals that came first in the race are the rat, followed by the ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and lastly, the pig.

The first animal in Chinese astrology is the rat. Individuals who are born under the Rat sign are considered to be inventive, charming and intelligent but they can be very extravagant. People who are born under this sign are compatible with people born under the signs of Dragon, Monkey and Ox.

The Ox is the second animal in Chinese astrology. Like people born under the Rat sign, those who are born in the Ox are intelligent and patient. They are also born leaders, but they may be stubborn at times. They will get along well with those born in the year of the Snake, Rat and Rooster. The persons born in the year of the Tiger are known to possess bravery and sensitivity. However, they can have a short temper and they also have a tendency to be very suspicious. They can easily get along with people born under the sign of Pig and Sheep.

People born under the Chinese astrology sign of the Dragon show utmost perseverance and passion, but like the tiger, they are known to be quick-tempered and stubborn. They get along with those who are born under the sign of the Monkey. People born under the sign of the Snake are also very passionate and intense in everything that they do. However, they can be very selfish and vain. Individuals who are born under the Ox and Rooster sign will get along with these people. People who have the Horse as their sign are very intuitive and cheerful, but they can be attention-grabbers. They can get along well with the Dog and Tiger signs. The person born under the Sheep sign have a more subdued characteristic. They are introverts but very creative. They work well with people who have the Rabbit and the Pig sign.

Individuals born under the year of the Monkey are very smart and creative. People who are born under the Rat sign will enjoy their companionship. Those who are born under the year of the Rooster have self-confidence, but they can be very disappointed whenever they are not successful. They get along with people born with the Snake and Ox sign. Those who are born under the Dog sign are deep thinkers and get along with those who have the Horse and Tiger sign. And lastly, people who are born under the sign of the Pig are very amiable and gallant. They work well with those who are born under the Rabbit and Sheep signs.

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2012年2月1日 星期三

Chinese Love Horoscope

I have always had an interest in the Chinese love horoscope and I decided to tell you all about it. The Chinese horoscope is simply formed around the twelve signs which make up the Chinese zodiac. Like most zodiacs this is made up of twelve elements however in the horoscope these are depicted by animals.

So what are the animals in questions?. The 12 animals used in the Chinese zodiac are namely rat,ox,tiger,dragon,rabbit,snake,horse,monkey,sheep,rooster,pig and dog. Legend once says that Buddha invited all the forest animals to a meeting, however only twelve of them showed. Based on this he gave each animal a year and stated that every person who was born on that same year would possess the qualities of that particular animal.

Ok so you are able to follow the Chinese love horoscope thus far but it gets a little bit more complicated. The horoscope is ruled over by five elements , these being wood,fire,earth,water and metal and then to complicate things further each element is connected with a planet: Jupiter to Wood,Saturn to Earth,Venus To Metal,,Mars To Fire and finally Water to Mercury.

The final icing on the cake is that the chinese love horoscope follows a 60 year cycle which is literally a permutation of the twelve signs and the five elements. Basically to create the horoscope it is dependent on the various reactions and interactions between the elements and the sign themselves. I hope this article has helped your understanding

For more information about the chinese love horoscope [http://www.lovepoemsguide.com/chinese-love-horoscope] please drop by at [http://www.lovepoemsguide.com]

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Travel Insurance Or Horoscope? Don't Leave Your Luck to the Stars

Whether or not you believe in astrology, thrive on adrenalin highs, think you are just born lucky or are scared of your own shadow, the hard reality is that we earth-bound mortals never know what is around the next corner.  Making decisions based on your daily horoscope prediction could be very unwise. Who compensates you when the airline loses your luggage, or helps when your travel documents and cash are stolen in a foreign land? If that horoscope prediction for 'a good day to travel' proves to be false and it turns into one disaster after another, who do you turn to - your astrologer or your travel insurer?

The Chinese tend to be superstitious and are very fond of their horoscope. In 2009 Barack Obama, born in the Year of the Ox, was elected as President of the United States in the Year of the Ox. The ox is a beast of burden, hard working and dependable with great strengths and qualities of leadership. The ox can become so caught up in important matters that he may neglect to take care of life's mundane chores and leave it to others to worry about matters like insurance.  His wife Michelle, a Rabbit, is the perfect match and likely to be the one to take care of details. President Obama was born on August 4, 1961 under the star sign Leo, symbolised by the lion - born leaders of men - as well as king of the beasts.  Those born under the sign of Leo are said to be ruled by their spine and can be prone to back problems. Who is going to pay for the cancelled trip if a Leo becomes bedridden with excruciating back pain, or requires an air ambulance to fly him home from his holiday? A Leo definitely needs travel insurance!

Twelve years ago, in 1997, during the last Year of the Ox, Tony Blair was elected for his first term as Prime Minister.  He is a Snake in Chinese Astrology. Snakes are said to be deep thinkers, wise and intuitive, but with a tendency to be lazy and a love of affluence. They are also said to be loners and not easily trusting of others, so are unlikely to leave their fate in the hands of the gods. The best partner for a snake is an Ox, Rooster or Dragon (Cherie is a Horse). Other famous snakes include Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy. Tony Blair was born on May 6, 1953 under the Star Sign Taurus, symbolised by the bull. Bulls are noted for their love of the good life, food, wine and excess. They are willing to work hard, however, to reap their material rewards. With such a love of the good life, Snakes and Bulls definitely need to put down the champagne glass long enough to take out travel insurance and cover their valuable assets and exotic travels.

Former President George W. Bush was born on July 6, 1946 as a Dog in Chinese Astrology. A Dog is said to be a fairly uncomplicated type, friendly to humans, attached to home, family, and physical and emotional safety. They are also said to be great worriers - so are unlikely to leave anything to chance or go on a trip without making sure their travel insurance is in place. Many Chinese consider Poodles to be especially lucky dogs. Other famous Dogs include Bill Clinton and Sir Winston Churchill. Dubya's star sign is Cancer - a water sign symbolised by the crab.  Crabs may have formidable claws and a tough shell but still need the protection of travel insurance for their water and land-based activities when on holiday.

The mouse is one creature absent from the Chinese horoscope yet, according to Robert Burns, 'The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry'. He had a point there.  Do you know your star sign or animal?  Do you know your strengths and weaknesses?  No matter what sign you are it is never a good idea to leave your luck to a horoscope prediction. Whether or not you believe in astrology, or just read the horoscope for fun with your morning coffee, this is one time to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and your head out of the stars. No matter how accurate your horoscope may appear to be, will it really predict when disaster is about to strike?  What would you do if you found yourself in need of a helping hand in a foreign land, miles from your daily horoscope? Would you call an astrologer - or the 24-hour assistance number provided under your travel insurance policy?

Jean Andrews is a freelance writer living in the UK. She regularly contributes articles for Travel Insurance Agencies Ltd who offer great deals on Travel Insurance and Ski Insurance.

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Chinese Astrology Today - Pig, the Sexy

The Pig is the last Chinese sign which closes the Chinese horoscope cycle. As with all signs, Pigs have certain characteristics that define them. The Pig is a North oriented animal with a Yin (female) nature. It symbolizes fertility and good fortune while its western zodiac equivalent is Scorpio. Its favorable gem stone is the precious Ruby.

Pig people are very active during Autumn, especially during November which is their associated month. Throughout the day, the rule from 9pm until 11pm. They like red, pink and white colors and they love to eat fruits and vegetables. Many Pig people can be found in Australia, Northern Europe and Africa. The Pig is strongly related to planets Mars and Jupiter.

Pig people are very generous and sometimes give too much. They enjoy helping others so much, that they would do anything to make everyone in their circle happy. In their relationships they try to be honest, creative and sincere and they expect the same from others. They love family and they will likely settle down early.

Pig people are masters in the art of sex. They are admired by their love partners for their sexual creativity. They try to enjoy life as much as they can, seizing every day. The Pig matches perfectly with the Rabbit, the Sheep and the Tiger.

Pig people love to read and educate themselves. they constantly try to learn new things. They also like to buy expensive branded clothes and products. They don't seem to care enough about money and they spend more than they save. They don't mind though.

Peaceful in nature, Pig people will do anything to avoid fights and arguments. As a very social Chinese sign, the Pig loves eating out, going to parties, festivals or social meetings. Pig people don't like to spend time alone.

Let's see how the Pig behaves in the following fields:

Work issues: Requires improvement

Love issues: A born master

social issues: Very strong

Spiritual issues: Very strong

Body issues: Requires improvement

A few positive keywords to describe the Pig:

Honest, Social, Patience, Advantage, Backstage, Peaceful, Talented, Sensual, Hospitable, Altruism

A few negative keywords to describe the Pig:

Withdrawal, Conservative, Snobbish, Pessimistic, Competitive, Militaristic

Pig compatibility with other Chinese signs:

(1 least compatible - 10 most compatible)

With a Rabbit: 10

With a Sheep: 10

With a Dog: 8

With a Tiger: 8

With a Horse: 7

With a Dragon: 7

With a Rat: 7

With an Ox: 7

With a Rooster: 6

With a Monkey: 5

With a Pig: 5

With a Snake: 3

E. Minh is a Chinese astrologer with over 20 years of experience in Chinese astrology and the lunar calendar. For more information about the Twelve Chinese Horoscope Signs visit my free website about Chinese astrology and discover a way to communicate with your inner self and the Universe. You can also download my free e-book "Creating the Ultimate Chinese Horoscope Protection Shield".

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