2012年2月1日 星期三

Travel Insurance Or Horoscope? Don't Leave Your Luck to the Stars

Whether or not you believe in astrology, thrive on adrenalin highs, think you are just born lucky or are scared of your own shadow, the hard reality is that we earth-bound mortals never know what is around the next corner.  Making decisions based on your daily horoscope prediction could be very unwise. Who compensates you when the airline loses your luggage, or helps when your travel documents and cash are stolen in a foreign land? If that horoscope prediction for 'a good day to travel' proves to be false and it turns into one disaster after another, who do you turn to - your astrologer or your travel insurer?

The Chinese tend to be superstitious and are very fond of their horoscope. In 2009 Barack Obama, born in the Year of the Ox, was elected as President of the United States in the Year of the Ox. The ox is a beast of burden, hard working and dependable with great strengths and qualities of leadership. The ox can become so caught up in important matters that he may neglect to take care of life's mundane chores and leave it to others to worry about matters like insurance.  His wife Michelle, a Rabbit, is the perfect match and likely to be the one to take care of details. President Obama was born on August 4, 1961 under the star sign Leo, symbolised by the lion - born leaders of men - as well as king of the beasts.  Those born under the sign of Leo are said to be ruled by their spine and can be prone to back problems. Who is going to pay for the cancelled trip if a Leo becomes bedridden with excruciating back pain, or requires an air ambulance to fly him home from his holiday? A Leo definitely needs travel insurance!

Twelve years ago, in 1997, during the last Year of the Ox, Tony Blair was elected for his first term as Prime Minister.  He is a Snake in Chinese Astrology. Snakes are said to be deep thinkers, wise and intuitive, but with a tendency to be lazy and a love of affluence. They are also said to be loners and not easily trusting of others, so are unlikely to leave their fate in the hands of the gods. The best partner for a snake is an Ox, Rooster or Dragon (Cherie is a Horse). Other famous snakes include Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy. Tony Blair was born on May 6, 1953 under the Star Sign Taurus, symbolised by the bull. Bulls are noted for their love of the good life, food, wine and excess. They are willing to work hard, however, to reap their material rewards. With such a love of the good life, Snakes and Bulls definitely need to put down the champagne glass long enough to take out travel insurance and cover their valuable assets and exotic travels.

Former President George W. Bush was born on July 6, 1946 as a Dog in Chinese Astrology. A Dog is said to be a fairly uncomplicated type, friendly to humans, attached to home, family, and physical and emotional safety. They are also said to be great worriers - so are unlikely to leave anything to chance or go on a trip without making sure their travel insurance is in place. Many Chinese consider Poodles to be especially lucky dogs. Other famous Dogs include Bill Clinton and Sir Winston Churchill. Dubya's star sign is Cancer - a water sign symbolised by the crab.  Crabs may have formidable claws and a tough shell but still need the protection of travel insurance for their water and land-based activities when on holiday.

The mouse is one creature absent from the Chinese horoscope yet, according to Robert Burns, 'The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry'. He had a point there.  Do you know your star sign or animal?  Do you know your strengths and weaknesses?  No matter what sign you are it is never a good idea to leave your luck to a horoscope prediction. Whether or not you believe in astrology, or just read the horoscope for fun with your morning coffee, this is one time to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and your head out of the stars. No matter how accurate your horoscope may appear to be, will it really predict when disaster is about to strike?  What would you do if you found yourself in need of a helping hand in a foreign land, miles from your daily horoscope? Would you call an astrologer - or the 24-hour assistance number provided under your travel insurance policy?

Jean Andrews is a freelance writer living in the UK. She regularly contributes articles for Travel Insurance Agencies Ltd who offer great deals on Travel Insurance and Ski Insurance.

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1 則留言:

  1. Travel Horoscope - People travel abroad and domestically for their job, work, business and your higher education. The travel horoscope can help you determine you will travel or not in future time frame. While making your travel horoscope astrologers study the 1st, 3rd 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th houses of your horoscope.
