2012年2月5日 星期日

Is Chinese Astrology Compatibility For Real?

We like to think of ourselves as modern people. If you look back at what was considered modern twenty years ago, or fifty years ago, it's easy to sneer at what people used to think of as "up-to-date."

Although we didn't "need" the internet in 1895, we certainly need it now. Are there any things we needed a hundred years ago, that we still need? Would there possibly be anything from fifteen centuries ago, that might still be relevant today? Yes, indeed.

We are still looking for love, aren't we? We still want to find "The One," don't we?

Fifteen centuries ago, "The One" meant something a bit different than what we mean now. In China, how your families got along and honoring your ancestors, meant just as much, if not more than, how well you and your bride or groom got along. But we are Modern People, so we can choose our spouses however we want, can't we?

Of course we can, but to do it randomly, which is the modern way, will only contribute to a zooming divorce and unhappiness rate, which is its direct result. To improve our chances of a "Perfect Match," we will use the same techniques that those ancient Chinese did: Chinese Astrology Compatibility.

Do you recall the Chinese zodiac animals? You know: the Year of the Rat, Year of the Ox? Rat energy, Ox energy, Tiger energy, and all the rest are tied to the acupuncture meridians. The meridians are the way that our emotions actually show up in our bodies.

The Chinese zodiac animals are the names for certain groups of emotions that are hot buttons in you, from the date, time, and place you are born. The Chinese zodiac animals are real personalities, not fakes or fictions, that everybody has! You need to know what your animals are, if you are going to find "The One."

With Chinese astrology, you have four personalities, not just one!

You have four different ways you aim your mind, not just one.

You have more than one way that life's energy flows through you.

You have many ways in which you are active or receptive.

That's a lot of different ways that a partner can match -- or clash -- with you!

Everyone behaves differently, depending upon which part of your life you're in at the moment, and which area of your life others pass through.

You don't behave the same way with your work mates as you do with your siblings. You don't behave the same way with your siblings as you do with your spouse, and you don't behave the same way with your spouse as you do with your children.

If he or she is "The One," you want to be able to get along with him or her, no matter where you are, and no matter which others may also be present! Chinese astrology compatibility nails this down for you.

When you marry someone, the relationship between you two changes, no matter what you try to do. Your mate is no longer exactly the person you went out with, and "clicked" with.

Wouldn't you like to know, in advance, that you will still get along with your mate when you go to see his relatives, when you finally tie the knot, when you both have children together? Going on a couple of dates, and hoping to "click," (even though it is the modern way) is a haphazard and unreliable way to find that out!

Chinese astrology will answer these questions for you. Chinese astrology will let you know in advance if your marriage can work out, or not. A thousand-year-old system, that has worked for countless couples, and the most reliable personality test ever devised, Chinese astrology compatibility is for real.

Ko Hashiguchi is an expert Astrologer, specializing in Four Pillars Chinese Astrology since 1986. Ko has spoken before the UAC in 2002, the NORWAC and the AFA conferences in 2003. Ko was featured in the documentary film, "Return of the Magi," and is the Author of the books, "Pillars of Heaven: Chinese Astrology Revealed," and "Ko Hashiguchi Four Pillars Chinese Astrology." Visit Ko's website to discover how your Chinese Horoscope sign shapes your personality and controls your destiny, and how the Chinese Zodiac will help you find your perfect spouse and compatible mate!

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