2012年2月5日 星期日

Horoscopes 2012

2012 begins with a potent Solar Return, where as the first minutes of the New Year dawns the Sun and Pluto and just two degrees apart known as a conjunction. This will provide the defining background influence for the year ahead.

This planetary alliance has the potential for great good, but also for people working so much to their own agenda's but this is a dangerous route, because it can lead to them destroying themselves, if they arouse enough opposition. So the key to this year is using your power wisely and fairly.

Furthermore the Solar Eclipse of last November 25th, is also important to mention for its influence continues for a further five months. This occurred in Sagittarius, and this too can be a guide to the year. The Eclipse occurred in the third Decan of the Archer, where it's secondary ruler is the Sun itself, providing a real celestial anchor for the more "go for it" energies of this sign's ruler, Jupiter, which can see us diving into situations rashly. Jupiter also influences learning, philosophy, religion, and travel, and of course International affairs have been much on the agenda in the last part 2011, and will continue to be so.

Neptune returns to Pisces (after a brief visit in 2011) for an extended stay on February the 4th. Neptune is very comfortable in this sector and emphasises both traditional religion and also more New Age ones. Or this can help to stimulate big ideas, and more underlying issues coming to the centre of people's consciousness.

Saturn continues through Libra and for five months from the 7th February goes into reverse, or retrograde, this is asking us to keep up the virtuous efforts that it has been urging for each of us to strive for, in all our unique ways. The more you have worked with Saturn, the more this period can lead to a solidifying process. If you have resisted its energies, there may be more lessons to learn. Yet in October, Saturn moves into Scorpio, and that can be the time when the worlds economic woes, really come under the astral spotlight.

Jupiter starts the year in Taurus, moving into Gemini on June 12th. In Taurus, the issue with extravagance continues, but if we work with this, hopefully the needs of those less fortunate in the world especially in developing nations can be addressed. The downturn of last year could be attributed to Jupiter's five month backward retrograde, which ended on Christmas Day.

In Gemini, Jupiter is more complex. The planet is seen as being in its detriment here, because of the opposition to Sagittarius of which it rules. However there are worse locations. All sorts of bright ideas can develop in this transit, and plenty of debate. A new technological breakthrough can follow in the next 12 months, and smart technological can gain pace.

Mars also continues in its extended transit through Virgo through to the 3rd of July, when he switches to Libra, and restarts a more typical six week journey through each sign. Mars is about personal gratification, the ego, but it is also sharp eyed and potentially sharp tongued in Virgo. Acerbic exchanges can come from this. Mars like recognition, Virgo urges sacrifice, so there is an incompatibility. However, if you want to work really hard, attend to the details and look at health, diet and fitness issues, he can be a help here.

There is a Solar Eclipse in Gemini of May the 20th. Eclipse's work in pairs, but the opposition to November's Sagittarius Eclipse, is around 5 degrees apart, squeezing in as it does, at 0 Degrees. In the first part of Gemini, the focus here is very much on ideas, technology and intellectual debate.

Yet this Eclipse is squared by Neptune which a much slower moving planet. Moon Square Neptune can be about confusion, deceit and escapism in all its many forms and there could be a confusing period for us all that runs on from this Eclipse when we try to balance our hopes, and expectation with reality. This may not be a very good aspect for international affairs concerning dictatorships or totalitarian regimes.

Yet the year ends on a high, with a wonderful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th November. This will help to balance the restrictive influences of Saturn's new home in Saturn, and can bring new hope to the world's economic infrastructures.

Finally, you may have heard of the precession of the Equinoxes or the Mayan Calendar. You may have also heard of the Hendaye Cross. All this points towards the potential end of the world, but what it really means, is the end of the old way, and the beginning of the new order.

For further insights in your Horoscopes 2012 for Love and Romance, Health and Fitness, Money and Work or Leisure and Pleasure time or your Chinese Horoscope 2012.

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